Baiba Kļava

Baiba Kļava

Latvijas Radio raidījuma "Atvērtie faili" žurnāliste

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Candy says: Latvian Radio checks out-of-date products at Rīga Central Market
Candy says: Latvian Radio checks out-of-date products at Rīga Central Market
Rīga's Central Market is a major landmark and tourist attraction in the Latvian capital. Trading in and around some old Zeppelin hangars, it is an eye-catching sight. However, what has caught the eye of Latvian Radio's investigative show Atvērtie Faili (Open Files) are products that are openly sold despite being well past their expiry dates. In some cases, these products are not only expired but have had faked expiry dates added to make it look as though they are still legitimate.


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