Krišs Kairis

Krišs Kairis

Latvian Television

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Most ABLV bank's compensations paid out
Most ABLV bank's compensations paid out
Most of the clients of the liquidated ABLV Bank have received the guaranteed remuneration, but several thousand have not applied for it, Latvian Television reported on January 26. The bank's liquidation process began about five years ago. Five years is the deadline within which customers of any bank in liquidation can apply for guaranteed reimbursements of up to €100 thousand.
Latvia plans to abolish current repatriation law(update)
Latvia plans to abolish current repatriation law(update)
With a view to addressing the growing interest of Russian citizens to travel to Latvia, the government on Tuesday, January 10, conceptually supported the termination of the Repatriation Law which is intended to facilitate the return of Latvian and Livonian-ethnicity people to their homeland, Latvian Television reported on January 10.
Telecoms issues across Latvia on Monday caused by 'human error'
Telecoms issues across Latvia on Monday caused by 'human error'
On Monday, January 9, due to a technological problem, a large part of Latvia's society experienced interruptions both telephone and Internet communications. The crash was caused by a human mistake at the Latvian State Radio and Television Center (LVTRC), Latvian Television reported.
Latvia's gas and electricity consumption fell in 2022
Latvia's gas and electricity consumption fell in 2022
In 2022, Latvia spent less energy resources than last year. With prices rising and discussions on energy independence from Russia, much has been said this year about energy saving. This year, Latvia is one of the leading countries in the European Union in natural gas consumption decrease, Latvian Television reported on December 29.
Large flow of migrants at Latvia-Belarus border over Christmas
Large flow of migrants at Latvia-Belarus border over Christmas
Also during the Christmas holiday, a large number of illegal migrants were attempting to arrive in Latvia across the Belarusian border. From December 23 to 26, the border guard prevented 130 persons from attempting to cross the border, Latvian Television reported on December 27.
Ušakovs acquitted of using unauthorized video camera
Ušakovs acquitted of using unauthorized video camera
Riga City Court on Wednesday, December 21, acquitted Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Nils Ušakovs (Harmony) in the first instance of secretly storing an unauthorized video surveillance device at a time when he was mayor of Rīga, LETA and Latvian Radio reported.
Still no significant progress in Latvia's coalition formation
Still no significant progress in Latvia's coalition formation
Future coalition partners have not taken any steps closer toward the next government. Representatives of the United List (AS) are calling on potential coalition partners to sign another memorandum of cooperation. AS also met with President of State Egil Levits on Tuesday, November 15, and presented their plan. Levits confirmed that the parties involved in the government expressed their willingness to continue the negotiations, Latvian Radio and Latvian Television reported.
State of emergency on Latvia's eastern border might be extended again
State of emergency on Latvia's eastern border might be extended again
Currently, in Latvia's border area, a state of emergency has been announced in the municipalities bordering Russia and Belarus. The emergency on the Belarusian border expires very soon, and the Ministry of Interior (IeM) wishes to extend it once again but the Ministry of Justice (TM) opposes it, Latvian Television reported on Ocober 31.
Sanctioned cargo ship still stuck in Rīga waters
Sanctioned cargo ship still stuck in Rīga waters
In the Gulf of Rīga, a ship called Asian Majesty with 55,000 tonnes of potassium chloride has been stuck since March  due to sanctions imposed on Russian oligarchs. The fertilizer on board belongs to a firm subject to sanctions imposed on Kremlin-affiliated businessman Dmitry Mazepin, Latvian Television reported October 25.
Latvia plans to ban commercial electricity flow from Russia
Latvia plans to ban commercial electricity flow from Russia
The government has agreed conceptually to ban commercial electricity flows from Russia and Belarus. Electricity purchased from these countries has not been coming into Latvia for several months, but it is now planned to be laid down by law, Latvian Television reported on October 12.
Government postpones decision on mandatory STEM exam at school
Government postpones decision on mandatory STEM exam at school
On Tuesday, September 20, the government postponed viewing the issue of setting a mandatory science exam for high-school graduates. The government plans to view it again in two weeks' time, it being after the new parliamentary elections.
Many Rīga residents will have cooler homes this winter
Many Rīga residents will have cooler homes this winter
In the heating season, the Riga House Manager (Rīgas namu pārvaldnieks, RNP) which maintains most multi-apartment buildings in the capital, will reduce heating temperatures by one to two degrees, which according to the operator's estimates, would save costs by 5%-10%, Latvian Television reported on September 16.


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