Sandra Dieziņa

Sandra Dieziņa

Latvijas Radio korespondente

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Local vs imported produce battle in shops continues
Local vs imported produce battle in shops continues
Local growers have already started harvesting their new crop of vegetables - cabbages and tomatoes, cucumbers and potatoes. However, many goods in shops are still of foreign origin, and buyers often opt for those, Latvian Radio reports July 26.

Onions and cucumbers from Poland, radishes and carrots from Italy, tomatoes from the Netherlands - this is the picture in supermarkets now that the new vegetable harvest has begun. Although earlier the "Farmers' Saeima" had raised the alarm that local produce was piling up in warehouses and that supermarkets would prefer to stock imported goods, now we can see that there are more local goods in the shops, but in smaller stores imports dominate, Latvian Radio has observed.
Court says transition to education in Latvian only is ok
Court says transition to education in Latvian only is ok
The norm which stipulates that education in private educational institutions in Latvia may be obtained only in the state language is compatible with the Constitution, concludes the Constitutional Court (ST), which handed down its judgement on July 10.
Stricter pet-keeping rules in force as of July in Latvia
Stricter pet-keeping rules in force as of July in Latvia
From July 1, the rules on keeping pets will be stricter - for example, young dogs cannot be kept on a chain, while a cat that is free to roam outside the house will have to be sterilized, microchipped, and registered. This is due to changes in the Animal Protection Act and new rules on animal welfare and protection, Latvian Radio reports June 26.
Brewers promise plenty of pints for Midsummer
Brewers promise plenty of pints for Midsummer
In the first four months of this year, the production of barley in Latvia increased by almost 5%. Producers promise that there will be enough beer for everyone at Midsummer, but there are many challenges facing the industry, Latvian Radio reported on June 21.
Potato pests are back in Latvia
Potato pests are back in Latvia
In some parts of Latvia, the first Colorado potato beetles have already invaded potato fields and can cause serious damage to the crop. Experts warn that fields should be carefully inspected and immediate action should be taken if these pests appear so that there are plenty of spuds later, Latvian Radio reported on June 17.
Suitable competition in Latvian supermarket sector despite rising profits
Suitable competition in Latvian supermarket sector despite rising profits
The two largest grocery retailers in Latvia – Rimi and Maxima – both recorded healthy profits last year. At the same time, the national competition authority points out that competition in retail trade is not strong enough in certain neighborhoods of Rīga, reports Latvian Radio June 5.
Ice cream producers cone-fident ahead of summer
Ice cream producers cone-fident ahead of summer
Ice cream manufacturers are looking forward to the new season with vigor - investing in state-of-the-art equipment and new products. But there are challenges too, including the rising price of raw materials, which reached a high level last year, and a shortage of workers, Latvian Radio reports May 24.

Dāvis Dudelis, the manager of ice cream manufacturer "Avenei", welcomed Latvian Radio on a hot day in the production facility, where employees are busy at one table preparing blackcurrant paste for ice cream coating, while right next door, special machines are already making cold treats. Dudelis said that this year the new season has started late. Are people eating more ice cream?
Experts say airBaltic bonds interest rate 'high but appropriate'
Experts say airBaltic bonds interest rate 'high but appropriate'
The 14.5% rate on bonds issued by the national airline airBaltic is high, but it is appropriate for the risk and the health of the company, as stated by financial market experts assessing the price of airBaltic's €340 million loan, LSM and Latvian Radio reports.
Latvians cannot live by rye bread alone. Or can they?
Latvians cannot live by rye bread alone. Or can they?
Consumption of traditional rye bread has declined over the past 10 years, whereas white bread and pastry consumption has gone up, as observed by bakers. In order to promote consumption of traditional Latvian rye bread, it is planned to introduce a special rye bread program in schools, Latvian Radio reported on May 8.
Latvia plans centralized national data cloud
Latvia plans centralized national data cloud
In order to meet the increase in demand for digital services and ensure the speed of these services, Latvia will build a national federated cloud, or state data processing cloud, which will consolidate the state administration's computing capacity in four data centers of national significance, Latvian Radio reported on April 5.
'Tis the season to be salty
'Tis the season to be salty
Where there is Easter, there are eggs, and where there are eggs there is salt, and where there is salt is the question of whether you're eating too much of the stuff.  
Study suggests new Latvian businesses do rather well
Study suggests new Latvian businesses do rather well
More than half of new entrepreneurs report that their income level has increased after starting the business, according to a survey carried out by the finance institution Altum, Latvian Radio reported March 11.
It's gouda brie a good day: Latvian cheese producers report success
It's gouda brie a good day: Latvian cheese producers report success
Last year, each resident in Latvia ate an average of 23 kilograms (kg) of cheese. The latest data from the association Cheese Club (Siera klubs) show that both cheese production and exports increased significantly last year. The industry predicts that positive trends will continue this year, Latvian Radio reported March 6.
Latvian cosmetics brands expand exports markets
Latvian cosmetics brands expand exports markets
The Covid-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine have had an impact on the cosmetics industry, and now cosmetics manufacturers face new challenge. Businesses are still looking forward to the future, Latvian Radio reported February 28.
Russian goods still found in Latvia's shops
Russian goods still found in Latvia's shops
One of the demands of farmers in the recent protests was to ban the sales of Russian and Belarusian food products in Latvian shops. Imports of food and agricultural goods from both countries have even increased over the past year and are still valued at hundreds of millions of euros. Traders' representatives indicate that there should be more pressure, Latvian Radio reported on February 7.
Tram line reconstruction in Rīga slower than planned
Tram line reconstruction in Rīga slower than planned
Adaptation of Riga's tram infrastructure to low-floor trams continues. Although in January the 5th tram had to resume running on the usual route to Iļģuciems, this has not yet happened, Latvian Radio reports.


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