Latvia's introverts return to London for Design Biennale

Take note – story published 3 years and 1 month ago

Latvia's long-running #IamIntrovert campaign based on the idea that the nation's writers are a bunch of borderline misanthropic sociophobes is still going strong, and is now appearing at the London Design Biennale.

Originally born in 2017, as a publicity campaign linked to Baltic participation at the London Book Fair in 2018, the self-deprecating tone of the literary set who would much rather be left alone proved a big hit with the Brits, as LSM reported at the time, with the toilet ads particularly popular. It also won a domestic design award in 2019

And now, in the Covid era which has forced a healthy dose of quiet introspection upon even the most annoyingly extrovert natures, the campaign is returning to the scene of its London triumph, giving residents of the English megalopolis who aren't in lockdown the chance to experience the joys of individual literary isolation in an art installation that looks, from the outside at least, worryingly like a de luxe model in a coffin showroom.

From June 1 to 27, the art object titled “In3” created and inspired by the #iamintrovert philosophy, will participate in the London Design Biennale. Created by artists Krista and Reinis Dzudzilo in collaboration with ​the #iamintrovert originator Una Rozenbauma and the “Latvian Literature” team, the object is described thus:

The object 'In3' is designed as a performative and living monument of modern Latvian literature. Visitors to the Biennale will have the opportunity to see the #iamintrovert campaign image - introverted male writer I. and female writer I. - in the office and share a secret with them. Depending on how this secret resonates with the writers, visitors will receive an answer from one of the 12 citations of works by contemporary Latvian authors." 

On June 15, the Biennale will also host an online discussion “Design that resonates with Literature and Storytelling,” featuring Una Rozenbauma and Krista Dzudzilo.

More about the London Design Biennale can be found here including the strict rules regarding getting tickets to see the Biennale in person if you happen to be alone in London and want to intensify your feelings of isolation and introversion.

Art object 'In3'
Art object 'In3'

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