Reconstruction of New Rīga Theater to be finished by end of year

Take note – story published 1 year and 4 months ago

State-owned JSC State Real Estate (Valsts nekustamie īpašumi, VNĪ) and SBSC (Skonto Būve/Skonto Construction) have agreed to finish and commission the building of the New Rīga Theater (JRT) by the end of the year, VNĪ Board Member Jeļena Gavrilova told LSM on March 23.

As reported earlier by LSM, the New Rīga Theater construction project has already taken too long in the view of the thespians based there, so they have announced an open-ended strike since this is an "open-ended project for the country". The deadline for completion provided in the contract was March 11 of this year, and it had already been extended several times before. It was later speculated that the deadline could be autumn of this year but the construction company objected that it was unfeasible.

"The agreement we have now reached shows we are result-oriented – so that the theater can return home as soon as possible. This agreement also foresees a sizeable penalty and specific interim deadlines to see whether the builder has committed to working faster," said Gavrilova.

"The aim of the Culture Ministry is that the New Rīga Theater returns home as soon as possible – the theater needs a feeling of home to fully develop. I hope we are now at the final stage of JRT reconstruction and no surprises are further expected with VNĪ and the builder working toward a common goal," said Culture Minister Nauris Puntulis.

A representative of the construction company SBSC Juris Pētersons stated: "We have now solved unclarities with the accessibility of financial resources that gives a guarantee to increase the number of workers at the site and the pace of the works so that the building is commissioned until the end of the year."


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