Women accounted for almost one-third (32.8%) of the total number of people employed in the EU’s high-technology sectors in 2022.
The share of women in high-technology employment across NUTS 2 regions, ranged from a high of 50.2% in the Hungarian region of Nyugat-Dunántúl down to 8.3% in the Greek region of Thessalia. In fact, Nyugat-Dunántúl was the only region in the EU (at this level of detail) where there were more women than men employed in high-technology sectors.
The next highest shares of female employment were recorded in the Italian region of Marche (48.6%) and another Hungarian region, Észak-Magyarország (48.1%).
Latvia does fairly well in the figures with 36% of its high-tech workforce being female (16,900 women among a total hi-tech workforce of 46,900).
Expressed as a percentage of the total workforce, 3.8% are women in hi-tech in Latvia, compared with 3.5% in Lithuania and 5.5% in Estonia.