4. studija

Kāpēc mediķiem, dodoties pensijā, nepieciešama izziņa, ka mācības ilgušas 6 gadus?

4. studija

Kā pavasara veltes sagatavot ziemai?

Kāpēc brauciens ar jauno elektrovilcienu daudziem izrādījies neiespējams?

New trains cause boarding trouble for many

The troubles with the new Vivi train service seem to be over for now. However, people complain that it is difficult to get out and into the new electric trains. In response to questions from viewers, the Latvian Television's 4. studija team found out that it does take a lot of physical effort to get on board the new trains.

There are currently 21 new electric trains available for passenger services, two of which are always on standby for emergencies. About 17-18 new electric trains carry passengers every day.

Dace, a viewer of "4. studija", shared her experience that when arriving in Rīga, it is both difficult to get off the new electric trains and to board them, as there is nowhere to hold on to and the first step is too high.

"I live in Jūrmala. In Jūrmala we have everything in order with the platforms. And I also work in Bulduri, where it's easy to get on and off. The platforms are perfect. The trains are very comfortable, beautiful, but the problems start when you have to go to Rīga.

"Then I start thinking, oh, dear, how am I going to get off. You can get off, but it's a big inconvenience. Then I look for a nice person who can give me a hand when I climb out. Because otherwise you have to think how you're going to get there, and it's unpleasant, uncomfortable. I'm looking forward to it, and it's not just me, everyone asks: when will these new platforms finally be here?" Dace asks.

Edgars Butāns, a spokesman for Vivi, admits that getting on and off the new electric trains is indeed a problem and that there are complaints from passengers on social media.

Agnese Līcīte, a spokesperson for LDz, explains that the company is currently carrying out an ambitious modernization project to ensure and improve environmental accessibility and comfort for all passengers.

"As part of the project, modernization works are being carried out in the entire electrified area of the railway - i.e. the Tukums line, the Jelgava line, Skulte and Aizkraukle lines. This includes raising the passenger platforms so that access to the new electric trains from the new passenger platforms is on the same level," says Līcīte.

The most uncertain situation is currently at Riga Central Railway Station. Līcīte explains that the Rail Baltica construction project is running in parallel with this project, which also involves the reconstruction of a major railway junction - Riga Central Railway Station. Therefore, 'Latvian Railways' will not carry out any reconstruction works at this station.

Can we expect new platforms at Riga station or at least temporary elevated platforms?

Linda Pastare, of Eiropas dzelzceļa līnijas SIA, the Rail Baltica project implementer, said: "A new design tender is currently being launched for the section of the main line through Riga. It is too early to talk about concrete next steps and construction deadlines for stations and related platform infrastructure, as the current macroeconomic situation requires finding a technically and financially feasible scenario for a more fully functional Rail Baltica railway."

So, it can be concluded that there will be no new platforms at stations in the Rail Baltica area in the near future, unless the government decides otherwise.

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