Latvian Postal Service to double number of parcel machines

State-owned JSC Latvijas Pasts (Latvian Postal Service), alongside plans to reduce the number of post offices, has announced plans to install more than 200 parcel lockers this year. Currently, there are 252 LP parcel machines in Latvia, LP said on May 24.

Since the beginning of the year, Latvijas Pasts has installed 34 new parcel machines to expand delivery and collection options.

Expanding its presence in both densely populated areas and more remote areas of the country, Latvijas Pasts plans to place more than 200 parcel machines this year.

In addition to the deployment of new parcel machines, the company is also developing its existing coverage by equipping its parcel machines with a specialized letter drop compartment. This functionality has been integrated in all the machines installed this year.

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