Drunk driving is a persistent issue every Midsummer. Starting June 22, the police patrol roads intensively, not only in busy cities but also in remote corners. The police pay extra attention to drunk driving all through the holiday, until June 26.
As usual, on the days before, of, and after Līgo and Jāņi, police will go on raids on the roads as much as the capacity allows. The minister said it is regrettable that there is a need for such raids to teach people to relax and enjoy their free time.
The minister said that police plan to pay more attention to road traffic in general. It is particularly worrying that the number of drunk drivers and accidents caused by them is increasing, as reported earlier by LSM.
“At the moment, the issue of increasing penalties is not on the agenda,” said the minister, noting that other solutions are being sought, such as setting up new speed cameras, including distance cameras.