Latvia in Brief: March 10, 2017

Take note – story published 7 years and 4 months ago

Here is the news in brief for Friday March 10, 2017, brought to you by Latvian Public Media. 

Football investor ejected

Valērijs Belokons, a businessman from Latvia, has been let go as president of the Blackpool Football Club.

He was suspended after a judgement in the Paris Court of Appeal, which relates to disputed allegations of money laundering.

The owners of Blackpool FC, the Oystons, and Belokons, are also set to go head to head in the summer in a separate legal case in the High Court in London. 

In February the Paris Court of Appeal annulled a $16.5 million award for Belokons against Kyrgyzstan for the 2010 takeover of Manas Bank, owned by Belokons.

Ice-melt continues

Water levels rose rapidly throughout the night at Jēkabpils, Krustpils and Līvāni, according to the Environment, Geology and Meteorology Center.

At night water levels rose 6.6 m at Jēkabpils, which is at the level of 2013 great spring flood. However by morning it had dropped by 30 cm to 6.32 m above the baseline measure. 

Only the Daugava River is in danger of flooding.

Seventeen refugees arrive

Seventeen asylum seekers from Eritrea arrived in Latvia from Italy on Wednesday under the EU relocation scheme, said the Citizenship and migration affairs office on March 9.

Latvia has admitted 255 refugees under the EU plan so far.

Ballet business at Saeima

Saeima might decide on granting Latvian citizenship to the Riga-born dancer and actor Mikhail Baryshnikov in late April, MP Ilmars Latkovskis told LETA news agency.

As previously reported, Baryshnikov seems to be in favor of accepting the citizenship.

You can read all the latest news from Latvia in English, Latvian and Russian at

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