Security Service to check Rīga councilor's statements about Crimea

The State Security Service (VDD) will assess the remark by Riga City Council deputy and EP candidate Inna Djeri that Crimea belongs to Russia, VDD confirmed to LSM.

On Monday, May 13, Djeri was interviewed on the Latvian broadcaster "Krustpunktā" about the upcoming European Parliament elections in June, in which Djeri is the leader of the 'Center Party' list.

Several questions were also asked about Djeri and the Center Party's views on Latvia's membership of NATO, the regime of Vladimir Putin in Russia, and Russia's war against Ukraine.

Djeri initially avoided answering the question - who owns Crimea? She said, "And if I answer, will that change anything?" But then came a more expansive answer: "There are Russian military bases in Crimea. On March 16 2014, there was a [so-called] referendum in Crimea, with the participation of Tatjana Ždanoka as an observer, and the people have voted to join Russia. In Latvia, people have voted for independence. I respect people's choice."

Asked by a Latvian Radio journalist whether the Crimean peninsula now belongs to Russia, Djeri replied "Correct".

The VDD confirmed to that it had drawn attention to Djeri's statements on Crimea in the May 13 Latvian Radio program "Intersection". 

The VDD has started to assess these statements in accordance with its competence, therefore it will refrain from any further comments on them at the moment, the service said.

It should be noted that the core of the Center Party, headed by Djeri, is formed by politicians of the Latvian Russian Union who at first tried to run from the list Pamats-LV, financed by MP Tatjana Ždanoka, who is currently suspected of having allegedly worked with Russian special services.

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