Cabinet has a «to do» list at last

Take note – story published 8 years and 3 months ago

Nearly three months after the new government of Maris Kucinskis was put in place, and nearly five months after predecessor Laimdota Straujuma handed in her resignation, the new cabinet finally approved its own action plan Tuesday.

According to a cabinet news release the named priorities of the Kucinskis administration will be: "strengthening the economy, public security and national identity, improving the demographic situation, the quality of family life and social security, reforming education and science and reforming health care."

Ministries will have to submit progress reports twice yearly by 1 January and 1 July, though ministers will this year be expected to report only by 1 September.

Approval of the government plan means Kucinskis now has a couple of days to clear his thoughts ahead of a potentially crucial visit to Germany on 28-29 April during which he will meet German Chancelleor Angela Merkel.

The refugee crisis and Latvia's contribution to solving it is sure to be on the agenda, with pressure likely to be exerted for Latvia to increase its intake of refugees.

Meanwhile Kucinskis will hope to convince Merkel of the need to station more German troops in the Baltic states. 

The Prime Minister will also attend the Hannover Messe, meet the Prime Minister of Lower Saxony and participate in a panel discussion on the importance of start-ups for economic growth.

“The meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel will be a great opportunity to discuss not only bilateral relations of Latvia and Germany, but also current challenges for the EU and security policy," said the Prime Minister ahead of the trip.

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