How the parties rate in May

Take note – story published 8 years and 2 months ago

The Greens and Farmers Union (ZZS) and Harmony remain the most popular political parties in Latvia in May, according to an opinion poll carried out by Latvijas Fakti, the LETA newswire reported May 21.

If the Saeima elections were to be held tomorrow, 19.9 percent of respondents would vote for the populist Greens and Farmers, while 19.1 percent would vote for the Harmony party which draws most of its support from the Russian minority.

Meanwhile, the third most popular party is the right-wing National Alliance with 6.2 percent.

The new party Kam Pieder Valsts (KPV, Who Owns the State), formed by maverick independent MP Artuss Kaimins, is the fourth most popular party with a rating of 6.1 percent, following its foundation congress this month.

Meanwhile, the once-mighty Unity party has fallen below the five percent threshold required for gaining seats in parliament, with only 4.1 percent of voters saying they would support it in the next elections. Unity's support has collapsed wince the resignation of Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma late last year and the elections of 2014 in which it became the largest single party in parliament seem a distant memory.

Also under the five percent threshold is Latvia's Regional Alliance with 2.4 percent, and For Latvia from the Heart with 1.4 percent.

However, all is not lost for parties being given a mid-term cold-shoulder by the electorate. The next Saeima elections are not until October 2018. While 12.4 percent of respondents said that they would not vote in the elections, another 25.6 percent were undecided who they would vote for.

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