KPV LV ministers ditch their parliamentary secretaries

Take note – story published 5 years and 1 month ago

All government ministers from the KPV LV party - Welfare Minister Ramona Petravica, Interior Minister Sandis Girgens and Economics Minister Ralfs Nemiro - have released their parliamentary secretaries over the past few weeks, the LETA newswire reported June 11.

The Welfare Ministry's Parliamentary Secretary Roberts Sprucs, Interior Ministry's Parliamentary Secretary Aldis Blumbergs and Economics Ministry's Parliamentary Secretary Krists Bergans-Bergis - all of them MPV LV members themselves - have all had their contracts terminated in recent weeks.

Liesma Kalve, advisor to the welfare minister, confirmed to LETA that Sprucs was replaced by Kriss Lipsans (also KPV LV) as the Welfare Ministry's parliamentary secretary last week

The Economics Ministry told LETA that the contract with the former parliamentary secretary Bergans-Bergis had been terminated in May, and that Jurgis Miezainis was confirmed in his place. In the meantime, Bergans-Bergis has become Nemiro's advisor, according to the ministry's website.

Interior Minister Girgens' advisor Karlis Miksons confirmed to LETA that the contract with Blumbergs - who is also a Saeima deputy - had been terminated. Blumberg's last day in that job was June 7.

It has not yet been decided who the Interior Ministry's next parliamentary secretary will be.

No reason for the dismissals was specified.

Within each ministry, the Minister is politically accountable to the Parliament and Prime Minister. The Minister is an immediate superior to the Parliamentary Secretary and the State Secretary. The Parliamentary Secretary ensures liaison between the Minister and the Parliament, while the State Secretary is the senior civil servant within the ministry.

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