
Izolācijas telpu piemēro arī mazajiem pacientiem


ZZS Rīgas mēra amatam piesaka V. Valaini

Februārī partiju reitingos izmaiņas nelielas

Latvia's political parties see support soften in February

Take note – story published 4 years and 4 months ago

According to the latest SKDS political ratings reported by LTV's evening newscast Panorama March 1, most coalition parties saw a drop in their political ratings in February.

Harmony remains the most popular political party in Latvia in February with 12.3 percent support, compared to 13.6 percent the previous month.

If the Saeima elections were held in February, the Greens and Farmers Union (ZZS) would gain 7.9 percent support, compared to 8.7 percent the previous month. Nevertheless, opposition parties Harmony and ZZS still occupy first and second places, as was also the case in January.

The third most popular party in Latvia is New Unity with 6.4 percent support in February, up 0.3 percentage points from the previous month.

The National Alliance has 5.4 percent support in February (down 1.1 percentage points from January), while support for Development/For! remained unchanged from the previous month - also 5.4 percent.

The New Conservative Party saw a two percent drop in its political ratings in February to 4.1 percent.

Support for KPV LV fell 0.7 percentage points to 1.3 percent in February.

Meanwhile, the Latvian Association of Regions had 3.3 percent support in February.

All other political parties are below three percent support. 

Usually the runaway winners in the monthly poll are "Don't know" and "No intention to vote" and February was no exception. 21.4% of respondents said they would not participate in elections and 27.9% said they were undecided, meanign that almost half the electorate has no political preference to express. This is the highest level since Saeima elections in October 2018.

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