Party talks stalling over uncertainty on Gobzems' security clearance

Take note – story published 5 years and 7 months ago

On December 1 potential coalition partners sat at the discussion table to discuss tasks for the upcoming government. Talks are stalling, in part, over the uncertainty of when Aldis Gobzems, KPV LV party's candidate for PM, will receive a security clearance enabling him to access state secrets.

While the parties did not find serious fault lines between their opinions over education, the outline of the upcoming coalition is still rather murky, as is the chance for Gobzems to receive a security clearance in time, as security services have indicated that his vetting procedure might take months. 

Gobzems himself allows for the chance that he'll ask supporters to rally in the streets over the matter.

"In that case I will ask for the public to wake up, as this situation is not normal -- if this would be used as a reason for not confirming the government," he said. "This is not just about me. It's about any new politician. It's a means of not letting newcomers to the reins of power. I'll get my clearance."

KPV LV has listed its priorities in government as reducing drug prices, dismantling the Mandatory Purchase Component (energy subsidies) system and limiting gambling house operations.

Before opting to support Gobzems as PM, the Development/For! party wants to clear up questions related to the administrative-territorial reform and procedures for mediating ideological differences between the parties.

Party representatives on December 1 said they hope the president will elucidate the course of action which they should take if Gobzems is not granted a clearance by the time the new government is ready to start work.

Gobzems also asked for more time to conduct coalition talks. Currently no party has confirmed or rejected its willingness to be part of a government lead by KPV LV. 

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