Rīta Panorāma

Intervija ar RSU rektoru Aigaru Pētersonu

Rīta Panorāma

Telefonintervija ar ekonomikas ministri Ilzi Indriksoni

Intervija ar "Apvienotā saraksta" dibinātāju Uldi Pīlēnu

Pīlens: coalition partners working on about 400 different things

Take note – story published 1 year and 8 months ago

The three political forces working on a joint government declaration currently have a list of about 400 different things to consider, according to one of the chief figures in the talks, Uldis Pīlēns of the United List.

When creating the declaration on what the future government actually wants to do and how, the United List will try to prioritise security, energy and social processes, Pīlēns, the founder of the United List said in an interview on the LTV program "Rīta Panorāma".

Pīlēns confirmed that the United List accepts the division of the ministries proposed by prime minister candidate Krišjānis Kariņš (New Unity) among the political forces. "We will try to arrange the proposed four ministries as much as possible," said Pīlēns. The third party in the proposed coalition is the National Alliance.

There is still a lot of work to be done in the development of the government's declaration, Pīlēns said. 

"The method of building a declaration from below without policies, without priorities from above has created a draft with almost 400 points, where strategic, very high-priority issues alternate with tactical issues. There will be things to do," said the politician who – despite founding the United List and playing a leading role in all its activities including government formation talks – did not actually stand as a candidate in the recent Saeima elections. As a result he is seen as essentially the eminence grise of the United List.

As previously reported by LSM, government formation talks have now been ongoing for nearly two months.

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