"This year we celebrated the 50th birthday of our friend and colleague and made further plans to work for the Latvian state. And today we were shaken by unspeakably sad news," Smiltēns wrote. "Our Atis Deksnis, 14th Saeima deputy, has suddenly been taken away for eternity."
Mēs vēl šogad svinējām mūsu drauga un kolēģa 50 gadu jubileju un kalām tālākos plānus darbam Latvijas valsts labā. Un šodien mūs satricināja neizsakāmi skumja vēsts. Mūsu Atis Deksnis, 14. Saeimas deputāts, pēkšņi ir aizsaukts mūžībā. Visas "Latvijas Reģionu Apvienība" un… pic.twitter.com/b7ndBN6Aqp
— Edvards Smiltēns (@EdvardsSmiltens) September 25, 2023
In the 14th Saeima, Deksnis also performed the duties of the Chairperson of the Mandate, Ethics and Submissions Committee.
Prior to his election to the Saeima, Deksnis was deputy chairman of Liepāja City Council. He represented the Latvian Regional Alliance in the United List political force.
Our condolences to Atis Deksnis' family, friends, and colleagues.