Latvian Saeima asks Danish parliament to help with Misāne extradition case

Take note – story published 4 years and 6 months ago

The Latvian parliament (Saeima) on January 16 asked its Danish counterpart and law enforcement agencies to help find a solution to prevent the extradition of Latvian citizen Kristine Misāne to the Republic of South Africa.

The Saeima adopted a resolution on the protection of the rights of Kristine Misane, submitted by a number of deputies, with 92 votes in favor.

The decision states that the Saeima "shall request the Danish Parliament and the Danish law enforcement authorities to provide assistance to the competent authorities of Latvia in finding solutions to prevent the extradition of a Latvian citizen to the Republic of South Africa".

The decision also refers to Article 98 of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, stipulating that anyone holding a Latvian passport is under national protection.

The resolution also mentions "taking into account the information of international organizations regarding inadequate human rights" in South African prisons, but it fails to specify which organizations and which information it is referring to. 

even while abroad, as well as critical reports by international organizations on imprisonment in South Africa.

Calling for support for the decision, independent Saeima seputy and former Health Minister Anda Čakša said:

“She fought for her child and for her safety, she faced violence, humiliation and extortion... Kristīne is a Latvian citizen that we have not been able to protect.”

While the resolution received support from all parties in Saeima and was passed unopposed by 92 votes to zero, there was also strong criticism of the work of the prosecutor's office and responsible ministers that led to the current situation.

As previously reported by LSM, Misāne faces being extradited to South Africa to face potential serious charges of child abduction, document forgery and fraud after she fled the country with her children, claiming she was escaping from a violent partner.

She was detained at Copenhagen airport while in transit in December 2018 and has been held in Denmark ever since while extradition proceedings have continued.

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