Police break up unsanctioned protest at Freedom Monument in Rīga

Take note – story published 3 years and 7 months ago

Latvian Police acted December 20 to disperse an illegal protest at the Freedom Monument in central Rīga, Latvian Television reported.

According to LTV three arrests were made, including on of a Lithuanian citizen who refused to confirm if he had filled in the required declaration to enter the country and who became aggressive towards officers. The other two detainees were also taken into custody for becoming aggressive towards officers as they went about their duty.

LTV's footage shows the men being apprehended as various people mill around shout their disapproval while filming events on their cellphones.

Under the current emergency regulations, demonstrations are supposed to be limited to 25 participants and must obtain prior permission from the municipal authorities. As previously reported by LSM, applications to hold demonstrations this weekend protesting against COVID-19 restrictions were refused  by Rīga City Council after previous protests greatly exceeded the permitted number of attendees.

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