Survey: attitude changes toward school transition to Latvian only

Support for transition to teaching in Latvian language only has increased slightly since May last year, according to a survey conducted by the study center Latvijas Fakti, conducted on the order of the State Chancellery and published on August 16.

1,000 residents of Latvia aged 18 to 74 were surveyed. The survey was conducted using the online interview method.

Compared to the results of the survey conducted in May 2022, the number of people with a nationality other than Latvian supporting the transition to Latvian-only training increased by 3%, reaching 23%.

More residents with a different nationality (38%) however, think learning in Latvian alone will contribute to the division of society.

In the meantime, 32% of all respondents believe that the transition to teaching in Latvian alone will bring the public together.

The results of the various socio-demographic groups of respondents show that the transition to teaching in Latvian is supported relatively more frequently by Latvians, respondents aged under 44, with higher levels of education and income.

Asked whether the transition to teaching in Latvian alone increases or decreases Russian-speaking opportunities to participate in society, 39% of the respondents have a positive opinion that teaching in Latvian will increase the possibilities of foreigners integrating into society. A dismissive position was expressed by 18% of those surveyed. 35% of respondents opted for a neutral response. Among those with other nationalities, the figures are 29% with a positive attitude, 22% with negative, and 43% –neutral.


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