Government adopts teacher wage raise schedule

Take note – story published 1 year and 3 months ago

As of September 1, teachers' pay grade will increase, according to amendments to Cabinet regulations adopted at an extraordinary government meeting on April 21. The quality of these amendments is doubted by the Latvian Education and Science Workers' Union (LIZDA), which has decided to launch a three-day strike on 24 April.

At the meeting of the government of the Head of LIZDA, Inga Vanaga, criticized the amendments, referring to them as a “fluke that everyone will have to correct”. The union doubts the quality of estimates of teacher pay increases and is outraged by the government's decision-making procedure.

The union urged ministers not to rush with the adoption of amendments so that the trade union could consider the proposal. But the government approved the amendments. The Ministry of Education and Science and Minister Anda Čakša (New Unity) believe that the approved amendments to the rules fulfil the strike requirements.

Amendments to Cabinet regulations have been made with the aim of increasing the lowest monthly salary rate for teachers and academic staff, in accordance with a schedule for the period from September 1, 2023, to December 31, 2025, as well as to determine the load composition for balancing the workload of educators.

As reported earlier, the Education and Science Workers' Union (LIZDA) has decided to hold a strike next week if teacher wages and workloads are not sorted out. According to LIZDA, the current plan still does not meet all requirements, and the strike will not be lifted.


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