Latvia's teachers might not need Covid certificates after all

Take note – story published 2 years and 11 months ago

Employees of general education institutions and pre-primary education institutions could also work on-site with a negative Covid-19 test, the cost of which would be covered by the state, the government decided Tuesday, August 17.

However, after 10 October, the requirement of a Covid-19 certificate still applies to higher education staff and students for onsite learning.  By October 10, higher education students and staff will also be able to participate with a negative test conducted over the past 48 hours. However, it will have to be paid for by themselves.

The Minister for Education and Science Anita Muižniece (New Conservative Party) explained at the press conference after the government meeting that the draft law, which provides for a mandatory Covid-19 certificate requirement for a number of professions, including those working in the field of education, has not yet been adopted by the Saeima. It is not know when it will be adopted and what the decision will be.

“This is why we are currently getting the opportunity for all teachers to participate in the process,” the minister said.

The government-backed amendments foresee that testing will be carried out on Mondays every week according to the Disease Prevention and Control Center's (SPKC) algorithm. 

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