Rīga City Council urges builders to tidy up collapsed building site

Take note – story published 1 year and 3 months ago

Rīga City Executive Director Jānis Lange has asked the construction contractor "Bukoteks" Ltd to immediately clean up the area at the collapsed building on Satekles Street, the city council said on April 5.

After an uninhabited five-story building collapsed in the block where Satekles, Elizabetes, Dzirnavu and Ernesta Birznieka-Upīša streets intersect, residents were evacuated from two adjacent buildings for safety reasons.

Parts of the collapsing building had fallen on the entrance node of the house on Birznieka-Upīša Street 6, and since it has not been cleared, it is not yet possible for the residents to return home. The manager of the building “Riga House Manager” (RNP) cannot fix the damage because it is necessary to remove the construction debris.

Satekles Business Center is planned to be built on the block. According to the project, the collapsed building on Satekles Street 1C was planned to be preserved. Police have launched an investigation into possible construction safety breaches.

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