Rīta Panorāma

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Rīta Panorāma

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Intervija ar Ministru prezidentu Krišjāni Kariņu

Covid-19 becoming a pandemic of unvaccinated people - Kariņš

Take note – story published 2 years and 10 months ago

Covid-19 is currently threatening to become a pandemic of unvaccinated people in Latvia, so a regulation should be developed to promote vaccination against the virus, Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš (New Unity) said in an interview with Latvian Television this morning, the LETA newswire reported.

In his opinion, in order for Latvia to be able to achieve at least 70 percent vaccination coverage, thus creating a stable herd immunity, a new regulation is needed to promote vaccination against Covid-19.

"We already have clear principles of epidemiological safety and the traffic light principle proposed by the Ministry of Health is working, so nothing significant must be changed in this area, but to make the system work even more effectively in the future one or two positions may change. Vaccinated people are well protected from this virus, so now Covid-19 is threatening to turn into a pandemic for the unvaccinated," said the prime minister.

Asked what other measures should be put in place to help reduce the vaccination gap and persuade people to get vaccinated, the prime minister said it was difficult to find a miracle solution, but the government will do everything to keep the economy afloat and make sure schools are not closed.

"We are constantly looking for solutions, so last week I convened a strategic council with experts, scientists and all the government's social partners to find out how to increase vaccination coverage. Unfortunately, no one had a magic wand to suggest another way to increase vaccination coverage. I understand that a large part of the society does not trust the government and politicians, so there are doubts about the need for vaccination, but I emphasize that vaccination is not a political matter, but an appeal based on scientific considerations," said the Prime Minister.

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