LĀB and LJAA said in a joint statement:
“We are concerned to find that the national healthcare system is currently working with enormous congestion and is facing a real collapse. The consequences of this will not only be felt by the people with Covid-19, but potentially any resident of Latvia. It is necessary to stop living under the illusions of there being stocks of Covid-19 beds and, especially, human resources in Latvian hospitals.
“If urgent and radical decisions are not taken in the coming days, exceeding the capacity of the healthcare system is only a matter of a couple of weeks. In the light of epidemiological data, it should be concluded that late action has already allowed uncontrolled coronavirus spread in society.”
“More vaccination will not have an immediate effect, it will lead to a longer-term [effect]. Decisions on compulsory vaccination are correct, unfortunately very late,” doctors said in the statement, repeatedly urging residents to get vaccinated.
LĀB said that this is not an 'invitation' but a 'demand' since it was too late for 'invitations'.
The Latvian government announced its planned seasonal Covid-related restrictions a week ago, but they are not due to come into effect until October 11. Doctors have criticised the delay, arguing that it simply gives the opportunity for infections to soar in the meantime.
Latvijas Ārstu biedrība un @LJAAvalde pieprasa valdību nekavējoties rīkoties un ieviest stingrus pasākumus Covid-19 izplatības ierobežošanai. Pilns paziņojums:https://t.co/r12snncfXw
— Latvijas Ārstu biedrība (@arstubiedriba) October 4, 2021
Health Minister Daniels Pavļuts said on Twitter that he had asked to refer to the issue of introducing more stringent safety measures to viewing at the Coalition meeting.
Covid-19 situācija Latvijā turpinājusi strauji pasliktināties arī nedēļas nogalē. Piektdien hospitalizēto skaits pārsniedza 500, šodien jau 588. Esmu saziņā ar premjeru, lūdzu šodien koalīcijas sanāksmē skatīt jautājumu par daudz stingrāku drošības pasākumu ieviešanu.
— Daniels Pavluts (@pavluts) October 4, 2021