Introduction of Covid certificate expiry postponed again in Latvia

Take note – story published 2 years and 5 months ago

The introduction of an expiry date for Covid-19 certificates was postponed again on February 15, from March 1 to April 1, while assuming that it might never be introduced at all.

Currently, it is stipulated that on April 1, to have a valid Covid certificate, the person will have to have completed primary vaccination and the booster. However, Health Minister Daniels Pavļuts said the requirement could be canceled altogether.

"This means, in fact, that the requirement [of a booster] for the receipt of services is likely not to take effect at all. The argument that the coalition partners used was: it is not worth introducing additional coercive measures at the moment, which will cause great inconvenience to the population," said Pavļuts.

The extension until April 1 applies to a valid vaccination certificate for the receipt of services and the visiting of events within the country, but will not apply to travel. In the case of travel in accordance with the European Union Regulation governing the issuance and use of Covid-19 certificates, the period of validity of the primary vaccination certificate shall be 270 days and after that period a booster vaccination certificate shall be required.


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