Of that number, over 118,000 certificates prove vaccination, 12,000 are of test results nd 8,000 of having had and overcome Covid-19.
Šodien ap dienas vidu bija izsniegti jau 139 tūkstoši digitālo Covid-19 sertifikātu. No tiem 118 tūkstoši vakcinācijas sertifikātu. 95% laboratoriju datu ir sistēmā, strādājam pie "astes pārkāpšanas". Ja ir kādas nepilnības, lūdzu ziņojiet, risināsim. pic.twitter.com/I5IwwsJBD7
— Daniels Pavluts (@pavluts) June 2, 2021
People who do not use the Internet or for other reasons cannot be authorized on the site will not be able to obtain the certificate until June 15 when such services will start to be offered in the single customer service center network of the State and local governments. The certificate will be used to attend various public events.
Three types of digital certificates are available: a certificate attesting to vaccination; a certificate of having had and recovered from Covid-19 infection; a certificate of Covid-19 test results.
To download or print a certificate for yourself:
- click on the “View my certificates” (Apskatīt savus sertifikātus) button on the www.covid19sertifikats.lv website;
- authenticate with one of the means of safe access (Internet bank, eID card, mobile ID);
- request and view certificates in the system;
- select the certificate you want and download or print it.
The certificate takes the form of a QR code to be installed on a smart device, or a printed document.
The certificate will be used to access and provide services as of June 1, events and venues from June 15, and hockey games.