Ugandan Covid-19 strain found in Latvia

Take note – story published 3 years and 4 months ago

The laboratory of the Latvian Biomedical Research and Studies Center has discovered the presence of a Ugandan Covid-19 strain, A.23.1, which has spread locally in Liepāja, the chair of the Center Jānis Kloviņš told the LETA newswire March 15.

He said that two weeks ago, Uganda's type A.23.1 was identified in samples from three people, of 192 analyzed, or 1.56%. This week,the Ugandan type has already been found in four out of 96 test samples, or 4%.

All of these cases have been registered in Liepāja, Kloviņš said.

“There is already an increase in this type. There is a lack of data on Uganda's Covid-19 type, but it is considered potentially dangerous because it has spread widely in Uganda, dominated other types of Covid-19 and is common in Britain,” he said.

He added that there is no reason to panic, because the particular hazards of this variant have yet to be clarified. However, there needs to be a lot of caution as its prevalence has increased significantly in two weeks, which suggests it could be more contagious, the specialist said.

Uganda's Covid-19 variant is also common in the U.K. and has in some way already arrived in Latvia, Kloviņš said.

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