Glimmer of hope on demographics

Take note – story published 10 years ago

After a series of depressing data on the demographic challenge facing Latvia, there was slight relief Monday with the release of figures showing a slight improvement in the first six months of the year.

According to the Central Statistical Bureau from the beginning of January to the end of June, 10,469 newborns were registered in Latvia - 460 more than in the first six months of 2013.

At the other end of the life cycle, 14,324 peole died during the same period, which is down by 720 on the corresponding period of the previous year, though with the number of births lagging behind the number of deaths, the population declined by 3,855.

However, more couples are tying the knot. The number of marriages grew to 4,220 in six months, which is 370 marriages more than in the corresponding period 2013.

As usual, June proved a particularly popular time to get hitched with 1,377 marriages registered - 95 more than in June 2013.

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