Media watchdog's head to step down mid-December

Take note – story published 4 years and 9 months ago

Dace Ķezbere, the head of the National Electronic Mass Media Council (NEPLP), said on September 30 that she would step down on December 15.

Ķezbere's decision was met with applause during her announcement at a meeting of Latvian Television employees. 

She confirmed that she's tendered a resignation and said she decided to leave so that the industry could resume normal operations.

Ķezbere told LSM's Latvian-language service that she feels political pressure that interferes with her work. She thinks that new NEPLP members would have more streamlined work as they will not face such political pressure as she has. 

In July, Ķezbere said that she was considering stepping down from the position and would announce a final decision on September 9.

But on September 9 she made a U-turn, prompting human rights and public affairs committee head Artuss Kaimiņš (KPV LV) to say he will initiate a dismissal procedure to remove Ķezbere.

The Latvian Journalists' Association earlier turned earlier to Saeima, asking for the NEPLP to be fired. The association asked Saeima to assess NEPLP members' performance as soon as possible, as well as to introduce a new public media management system.

Ķezbere's term at the post runs out June 17, 2020. 

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