NATO jets up repeatedly to greet squad of Russian planes

Take note – story published 9 years and 8 months ago

NATO Baltic Air Police (BAP) Eurofighter Typhoon jets scrambled to the margins of Latvian airspace Tuesday to intercept a squad of seven Russian air force planes, tweeted the National Armed Forces (NBS).

While previous scrambles have involved no more than two aircraft per incident, Tuesday’s identification of two MiG-31 fighters, two Sukhoi SU-34 assault bombers and SU-24 attack planes, as well as a single Sukhoi supermaneuverable SU-27 fighter jet marks the largest cluster yet noted.

The seven military jets were identified over neutral waters in the Baltic Sea, flying without a flight plan and without engaging their automatic response mechanisms, as has been the usual BAP experience intercepting the Russian air force planes.

On Wednesday, just a day after the seven-plane squadron was cited, the NBS tweeted about another scramble, this time as BAP jets intercepted two more SU-24s again over neutral waters near Latvian airspace in the Baltic Sea.

Later Wednesday afternoon, yet another tweet noted the sighting of five more Russian fighter planes near Latvian skies, prompting the BAP to intercept again.


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