Passenger Rail rolls out fare zone tickets

Take note – story published 8 years and 3 months ago

On April 1 Passenger Rail (Pasažieru vilciens) has rolled out a new, fare-based ticket system. The new zone system will be simpler and will not cause a price increase for most passengers, according to Andris Lubāns, the head of the company.

Lubāns told Latvian Radio Friday that all electric train lines plus the Rīga – Lugaži line will be divided into three to five zones. Under the new system fare within a single zone is €0.8, an extra €0.6 in the next, and in the next zones €0.5 for each one. 

As such, ticket prices will be calculated according to how many zones a particular journey passes through rather than on a station-to-station basis.

This makes calculating fares easier and will allow for gradually introducing ticket machines and ticket sales online, he said.

Income from tickets is expected to shrink 1.5% as a result of the move. 

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