Iveta Čigāne

Iveta Čigāne

Latvian Radio

"Latvijas Radio" Latgales korespondente

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Ukrainian refugee flow to Latvia shrinks
Ukrainian refugee flow to Latvia shrinks
Recently, Ukraine's war refugee stream in Latvia has dramatically decreased. Meanwhile, those who have settled are finding jobs and many are learning the Latvian language, Latvian Radio reported on May 14.
Balvi municipality to fire 100 employees to solve financial crisis
Balvi municipality to fire 100 employees to solve financial crisis
The Balvi Municipality Council, which has found itself in a financial crisis, has decided to make structural changes to the local government to save funds. As a result, around 100 people will lose their jobs in local government institutions, Latvian Radio reported April 12.
Tens of kilometers of trucks queueing at Latvian-Russian border
Tens of kilometers of trucks queueing at Latvian-Russian border
Queues of trucks started to form at the border checkpoint (BCP) "Grebņeva" earlier this year, but now the number of trucks has doubled and local residents are raising the alarm. The situation is similar at the BCP Terehova, Latgale regional television reports April 9.
Firefighters: Almost impossible to access rural remote houses
Firefighters: Almost impossible to access rural remote houses
Last year, 68 people died in fires in Latvia, the lowest number in 20 years. This statistic includes not only people who died in cities, but also in villages and rural homesteads. Firefighters say that rural fires are not always reached in time because homesteads are far apart, and road conditions also hamper the access, Latvian Radio reported March 5. 

Finally, signs of spring have appeared in Latgale. Slippery, ice-covered roads have been replaced by mud. For residents and the services, it is a testing time. 
Rēzekne's Ukrainians to hold support event February 24
Rēzekne's Ukrainians to hold support event February 24
Around 300 Ukrainian refugees have found their second home in Rēzekne, at least temporarily. Many of them have been living in Rēzekne for over a year and are gradually becoming part of the labor market and cultural life. Rēzekne's locals and Ukrainian refugees have decided to hold support events for Ukraine on the second anniversary of Russia's war.
Rēzekne's waste collection sites closed
Rēzekne's waste collection sites closed
In Rēzekne, both sorted waste collection sites set up in the city have been closed. In one case it was the decision of the local government to sell the land, while the other area on the land of a private owner did not comply with the requirements of the State Environmental Service, Latvian Radio reported on November 27.
Work starts to protect rare Latgale nature reserve
Work starts to protect rare Latgale nature reserve
This autumn, "Latvijas Valsts meži" (Latvian State Forests, LVM) will start extensive works at the Grebļukalns nature reserve in Ludza district to improve the condition of the very aspen forest which is the habitat for  various rare plant and butterfly species, reports Latvian Radio.
Summer might not be honey-sweet in Latvia
Summer might not be honey-sweet in Latvia
The Latvian eastern region of Latgale has started this summer with dry and hot weather. Beekeeper Inese Zeiļuka from the eastern border area told Latvian Radio that although many think bees like the hot weather, it is not true in extreme cases and honey harvesting might not go well.
Concerns about future school availability in eastern Latvia
Concerns about future school availability in eastern Latvia
A tenth of Latvian schools could be closed or 'reorganized' in Latvia in the coming years. This is provided for by the draft action plan of the Ministry of Education and Science (IZM). In Latgale, this causes concerns that only three high schools might be left in the eastern border area, Latvian Radio reported on June 5.
Thousands of gulls fall victim to bird flu around Daugavpils
Thousands of gulls fall victim to bird flu around Daugavpils
In and around the city of Daugavpils, 1,000 dead gulls have already been found and eliminated over the past week. Bird deaths are associated with avian influenza. Mass deaths have also been reported in Krāslava, Latvian Radio reported on May 10.
Solar park being built near border town Zilupe
Solar park being built near border town Zilupe
With investments of nearly EUR 2 million, the construction of a solar power plant has been launched in Ludza municipality on the border with the city of Zilupe. The “green” power plant is expected to provide at least 1300 households with electricity, Latvian Radio reported on May 8.
Dignāja Manor to be turned into cancer rehabilitation center
Dignāja Manor to be turned into cancer rehabilitation center
The oncological patient support association "Dzīvības koks", with the support of the Jēkabpils municipality, is restoring the Dignāja Manor. It is planned that there, a psychosocial rehabilitation center for oncological patients will open its door this autumn, Latvian Radio reported on April 19.
Food exchange cabinet opens in Rēzekne
Food exchange cabinet opens in Rēzekne
On Friday, a food exchange point will be opened in Rēzekne at the main entrance of the city's Social Service department, reports Lavian Radio.
Ukrainian refugee stream down to a trickle on Latvian–Russian border
Ukrainian refugee stream down to a trickle on Latvian–Russian border
This week marks one year since Russia's invasion of Ukraine. During the year, nearly eight million people in Ukraine have been forced to leave their homes and seek asylum in the countries of the European Union, including Latvia. At the beginning of the war, the Latvian-Russian Terehova border point was crossed by around a thousand refugees in the day. At present, the flow of refugees has decreased significantly, Latvian Radio reported on February 20.
Do not step on the ice yet in Latvia, authorities warn
Do not step on the ice yet in Latvia, authorities warn
The snow-covered ice does not allow ice fishers to determine objectively the thickness of it, and although many reckless enthusiasts are already on the water bodies, rescuers and seasoned ice fishers recommend that they wait. One ice fisherman has already died this season, Latvian Radio reported on December 9.
Latvia-Belarus border situation tense again
Latvia-Belarus border situation tense again
The situation on the Latvian–Belarusian border has escalated again, and as of August, the number of illegal migrants has reached the level of March this year, Latvian Radio reported on August 26.
Pig farmers concerned about market competition
Pig farmers concerned about market competition
In Latvia, after the first wave of African swine fever, when thousands of pigs were eliminated in big and small pig farms, a large proportion of small farms abandoned their pig-rearing business.  Swine fever is increasingly worrying for pig growers, as is the competition on the pigmeat market, Latvian Radio reported on August 11.
Non-cash payments still grow in popularity in Latvia
Non-cash payments still grow in popularity in Latvia
People's payment habits have changed as a result of the Covid pandemic. Although the pandemic contributed to the development of the e-commerce industry, following the lifting of decisions, residents preferred to shop onsite with more frequent card payments observed. Entrepreneurs have also made the system more convenient, according to a study by Swedbank, Latvian Radio reported August 4.
Volunteers help Ukrainian refugees cross Latvia in transit
Volunteers help Ukrainian refugees cross Latvia in transit
Some Ukrainian refugees cross the Latvian-Russian border with a view to stay in Latvia, some wish to return to Ukraine, and many wish to travel on to other European countries. The so-called transit refugees are currently assisted by volunteers, the State Border Guard, the State Fire and Rescue Service (VUGD), as well as local governments, Latvian Radio reported May 30.
Hundreds of trucks lined up to leave on Latvia's eastern border
Hundreds of trucks lined up to leave on Latvia's eastern border
In response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Russian and Belarusian carriers have been barred from crossing the European Union's external border since Saturday, April 9. However, until 16 April, the crossing of the border is still permitted for transport operations started before 9 April or for the introduction of the specific sanction – which in many cases means Russian an Belarusian truckers are allowed to go home. 
Voices from Zilupe, close to the Russian border
Voices from Zilupe, close to the Russian border
Zilupe is a town in Latvia's far east, less than ten kilometers from the Russian border. According to last year's statistical data, 1372 inhabitants are registered in the town, of which number 760 are ethnic Russians, 372 Latvians, 130 Belarusians, 35 Poles and 23 Ukrainians.
First Ukrainian refugees arrive in Latvia
First Ukrainian refugees arrive in Latvia
The first refugees from Ukraine have arrived in Rīga – several families assisted by the Latvian Samaritan Association, Latvian Radio reports. 
Latvian bakery company taps into gluten-free production
Latvian bakery company taps into gluten-free production
Specially manufactured gluten-free products available in Latvia are mostly produced abroad. Latvian baked goods company Ludzas maiznīca is starting to explore the niche and manufacturing gluten-free baked goods locally, Latvian Radio reported February 18.
Ancient trades to be taught in digital format
Ancient trades to be taught in digital format
Latgale has begun serious work to preserve old traditions and skills. Ludza Craftspeople Association has launched the production of educational films for the next generations, Latvian Radio reported July 30.
Head of Daugavpils' Jewish Museum is a student at 72
Head of Daugavpils' Jewish Museum is a student at 72
Josifs Ročko, a teacher, local historian, and the founder of the museum “Jews in Daugavpils and Latgale”, is a cavalier of the Order of the Three Stars, Latvia's highest civil decoration. Two years after receiving the order, at the age of 72, he is still publishing new history books and continues selflessly contributing to society in eastern Latvia. 
New public order rules approved in Rēzekne
New public order rules approved in Rēzekne
The Rēzekne City Council has approved new public order rules, which were revised in the context of the coming into force of the Administrative Liability Act, Latvian Radio reported on July 14.


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