Silvija Smagare

Silvija Smagare

Latvian Radio

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Medicinal crops thriving in Latgale
Medicinal crops thriving in Latgale
Te "Kurmīši" farm in the Krāslava district of Latvia's easternmost Latgale region is traditionally the largest grower of medicinal plants in the region. This year it has attracted 13 students to work through the summer thanks to the opportunitie provided by the State Employment Agency, reports Latvian Radio.
Daugavpils hopes to become more bicycle-friendly
Daugavpils hopes to become more bicycle-friendly
Daugavpils municipality and local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are currently engaged in an effort to encourage the wider use of bicycles in Latvia's second-largest city, reports Latvian Radio.
Suspicions of forest arson in Latgale
Suspicions of forest arson in Latgale
The dry weather has increased the risk of fire in forests, often caused by people, including deliberately. There are suspicions on the deliberate damage to forests in Latgale, Latvian Radio reported on June 3.
Daugavpils boasts 'reel' big fish
Daugavpils boasts 'reel' big fish
Daugavpils has set out to 'hook' the city's residents and guests with a new children's playground, or "an environmental object for children", named "Fish". The big fish costs nearly a quarter of a million euros, and some city councilors think this is a waste, Latvian Radio reported on April 30.
Daugavpils fortress hopes for bright cultural future
Daugavpils fortress hopes for bright cultural future
New opportunities arise for the fortress of Daugavpils by the cooperation agreement signed on April 2 between Daugavpils municipality and the Latvian Palace and Manor Association (LPMA). Cooperation with LPMA will allow for research, preservation, and promotion of the cultural and historical values of Daugavpils Fortress, Latvian Radio reported. 
Daugavpils unveils its longest tram route
Daugavpils unveils its longest tram route
A few days ago a new tram route 5 “Cietoksnis – Ķīmija – Stropu ezers – Cietoksnis” started running in Daugavpils. It is the longest tram route in the city, stops outside Daugavpils Regional Hospital, and connects several neighborhoods, Latvian Radio reported on January 30.
Daugavpils' Russians stay in Latvia after failing language test
Daugavpils' Russians stay in Latvia after failing language test
There are a number of Russian citizens living in Daugavpils who have not passed the Latvian language proficiency test and have not received a temporary residence permit, but they are not leaving for Russia either, Latvian Radio reported on January 16.
Hunters unhappy with ban in Latvian-Belarusian border area
Hunters unhappy with ban in Latvian-Belarusian border area
Due to risks related to migrants in the border region of Belarus, all forms of hunting have been restricted in the border area of Augšdaugava and Krāslava – two kilometers from the state border, Latvian Radio reported January 10.
Daugavpils hospital starts paying off debts
Daugavpils hospital starts paying off debts
Daugavpils Regional Hospital is still in the process of resuscitation, but already has plans for development and mobilization of European Union (EU) funds. The new year hospital starts with a loss of at least €5 million. It is the preliminary balance sheet of last year that the hospital will inherit this year, Latvian Radio reported January 8.
Daugavpils to promote authenticity in international project
Daugavpils to promote authenticity in international project
In December last year, the Patent Office, the Daugavpils University, and the city of Daugavpils signed a memorandum on cooperation in the network of cities of authenticity. This means that Daugavpils has become one of more than 10 cities in Europe ready to raise public awareness of the protection of intellectual property rights and improve the fight against counterfeiting and piracy at local level, Latvian Radio reported.
Daugavpils set to tackle its public toilet problem
Daugavpils set to tackle its public toilet problem
Daugavpils City Council has launched a tender for the construction of two improved public toilets in the city's Central Park and Andrejs Pumpurs Square. As procured, toilets must be state-of-the-art, accessible, and start operating early summer next year, Latvian Radio reported November 23.
Latgale region re-emphasizes lack of workforce
Latgale region re-emphasizes lack of workforce
Employers increasingly talk about the inability to attract the necessary employees as a development-delaying circumstance in Latgale. When it comes to guest workers, it is also necessary to assess from which countries to attract them so that it does not affect security, Latvian Radio reported November 15.
Two municipal budgets in 'catastrophic' situation
Two municipal budgets in 'catastrophic' situation
The budget of the local governments next year will not be sufficient and the fulfilment of the functions of local governments is at risk in several districts, but the most difficult situation is in Krāslava and Augšdaugava municipalities in eastern Latvia, Latvian Radio reported October 13.
Reminder: clean your chimney before heating season
Reminder: clean your chimney before heating season
Every year, with the arrival of cooler weather in Latvia, uncleaned flues, chimneys, and heating installations become the cause of fire accidents. To prevent this from happening, soot from the heating appliance should be cleaned before the start of the heating season, Latvian Radio's report on October 9 reminds.
Latvia-Belarus illegal border crossings intensify
Latvia-Belarus illegal border crossings intensify
The number of illegal border crossing attempts on the Belarusian side has risen rapidly, so life in the eastern border of Latvia has become more alarming, local government heads told Latvian Radio on August 17.
'Musical August' Thursdays begin in Daugavpils
'Musical August' Thursdays begin in Daugavpils
The city of Daugavpils is holding its traditional end-of-summer “Musical August” festival every Thursday of August. This year, festival events take place in Andreja Pumpura Square, Daugavpils Culture Palace, Dubrovina Park and the concert hall of the Vienības House, Latvian Radio reported August 10.
Industrial park plan in Augšdaugava foresees forest felling
Industrial park plan in Augšdaugava foresees forest felling
It is planned to build an industrial park in the municipality of Augšdaugava – the Saeima has already given a conceptual agreement to this step. However, environmental representatives are concerned since this would mean felling a large area of trees, Latvian Radio reported August 2
Farmers raise alarm over cattle feed shortage
Farmers raise alarm over cattle feed shortage
Due to the long drought, farmers have problems getting enough hay and cattle feed. In many places, yields have fallen more than by half, and the prices for hay rolls have climbed at least three times. Farmers in Latgale estimate there will be less milk and some cows might also have to be eliminated, Latvian Radio reported on July 28.
Future of Polish school in eastern Latvia still unknown
Future of Polish school in eastern Latvia still unknown
Three months before the new school year, the fate of the Count Plater Polish School in Krāslava remains unknown. In February this year, the Krāslava Municipality Council decided to close the school, but it is still hoping for the support of Poland to stay afloat, Latvian Radio reported on August 24.
Safety concerns around possible flooding near Daugava river
Safety concerns around possible flooding near Daugava river
 The waters of the Daugava river continue to rise and flood areas in the area of Augšdaugava, where a rapid increase in water levels in rivers poses a threat to the safety of people, the environment, and economic activity, as well as the local government infrastructure, the municipality council has stated, Latvian Radio reported on March 31.
Energy-saving attempts at municipal level pay off
Energy-saving attempts at municipal level pay off
Since the autumn of last year, municipalities have introduced a series of measures to ensure energy savings and mitigate the impact of the potential energy crisis on municipal budgets. Electricity consumption was reduced in various urban, and village authorities and also in public outdoor areas. Latvian Radio spoke to municipal representatives on February 8 about whether these attempts had brought fruit.
Dviete Nature Park gets too small for wild horses and cattle
Dviete Nature Park gets too small for wild horses and cattle
Nature Park Dviete floodplains are one of the places in Latvia where, initially with the support of the Netherlands and later the World Fund for Nature, heck cattle and wild horses were brought to live in the wild. The herd of wild animals has now grown to nearly 400 animals and the meadows are getting a bit small, Latvian Radio reported on January 30. 
Suspicions of EU fund misuse at Daugavpils University
Suspicions of EU fund misuse at Daugavpils University
The State Police have carried out procedural activities at Daugavpils University, suspecting a possible fraud with the European Union (EU) Social Fund amounting to €600,000, Latvian Radio reported on January 24. The Ministry of Education and Science demands the Daugavpils University Board to provide explanations without delay.
Latvia-Belarus border residents will no longer cross as easily
Latvia-Belarus border residents will no longer cross as easily
The simplified border crossing for border residents of Latvia and Belarus has been suspended this week. How significantly will the suspension of this arrangement affect the inhabitants of border towns? Latvian Radio addressed the question on October 14.


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