Three for the Weekend: Wild Food Fest, Rothko's genius, dance across Latvia

Take note – story published 5 years ago

Don't just sit there this weekend, go and experience Latvia via food, art and dance.

Zaube Wild Food Fest

Foodies should head to the village of Zaube, an hour from Rīga, for the annual Wild Food Festival on July 13 where they can sample the tastiest natural treats, learn in wild food masterclasses (including renowned wild food chef Ingmārs Ladigs), explore previously-unheard-of products and enjoy music and entertainment along the way. Full details at the official website.

Syrups, teas, wild game, ciders... the list of foods on offer is endless and if you are feeling competitive there are contests to find Latvia's best country cake and Latvia's fastest potato peeler! 

New Rothko originals in Daugavpils

12 July sees the official unveiling of a selection of 5 original artworks by Mark Rothko in Daugavpils at the art center which bears his name. Three years have passed since the exhibition of original works by artist Mark Rothko was last changed at the museum, so to be among the first to see the new selection, head for Latvia's second-largest city.

The new selection of originals was chosen from the private collections of his heirs, daughter, Kate Rothko Prizel, and son, Christopher Rothko. All the works will be new to the Latvian public. By established tradition, the selection will feature samples from different periods of the artist’s creative life.

Dance across Latvia

The “Sudmaliņas” dance festival will run until July 14, treating audiences to free concerts in Rīga, Kuldīga, Sigulda, and Liepāja. The festival program can be found on the festival homepage

The IX International Folk Dance Festival “is the most extensive festival in stage dance in Latvia,” according to organizers and “aims at bringing together dancers from Latvia and different countries of the world, who would creatively explore, get to know and inherit folk dance traditions”.

The festival was begun in 1992 by choreographer Ingrīda Edīte Saulīte and over the years has gained increasing approval from dancers, audience and critics alike.

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