Rīga changes Russia-related street names

Take note – story published 1 year and 7 months ago

The Rīga City Council decided on December 14 to change the names of Brantkalna, Pikuļa, Staraja Rusas, and Keldiša Street in the capital, LETA reported.

Detlava Brantkalna Street, named after the Soviet Lieutenant General Detlavs Brantkalns, was renamed Annas Brigaderes Street, after the Latvian writer. The parallel streets which until now were untitled lines but whose addresses were attached to Brantkalna Street, were given the name of Zentas Mauriņas Street, after another Latvian writer.

Valentīna Pikuļa Alley and Trail, named after the Russian writer, were renamed Birutas Baumanes Alley and Trail, after the Latvian painter.

Staraja Rusas Street, which bore the name of a city in Russia, was renamed Hugo Celmiņa Street, after a Latvian politician and former Prime Minister.

Akadēmiķa Mstislava Keldiša Street, named after Russian-Polish mathematician and scientist, is renamed Brāļu Kaudzīšu Street, after the Latvian brother-writer duo.

The Harmony party and members of the Latvian Russian Union were actively opposed to the street renaming program. Their main arguments  were that these issues had been decided without extensive discussions and without informing the public.

On the other hand, representatives of the coalition said that the change in street names is a continuation of the cleanup of the legacy of occupation in Latvia and Rīga.

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