Economics Minister: Latvia moving towards labor shortages

Take note – story published 8 years and 4 months ago

Latvia is moving towards labor force shortages, Economics Minister Arvils Ašeradens (Unity) told in an interview with Latvian Radio Thursday.

The minister pointed to Latvia's negative demographic situation, saying that the population is aging and shrinking.

In the context of workforce, Latvia also has problems with its education system which provides training in professions that are not demanded in the labor market, while shortages of professionals like engineers are growing.

The economics minister also said that he is cautious about importing labor force, given Latvians' negative stance on the issue.

The minister believes that, first of all, it would be necessary to persuade those Latvians who emigrated during the years of crisis to return to their homeland. Ašeradens would also support attracting academic staff and high-class professionals from foreign countries.

The news comes as Saeima is pondering Repatriation law amendments that would help emigrants to re-settle by way of benefits.

According to research by the University of Latvia, more than 10% of Latvians have left the country in the last 15 years. 

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