Police tally results of speeding campaign week in Latvia

Take note – story published 1 year and 11 months ago

The State Police have compiled data on the results of the speed control week under the campaign 'A heavy foot [on the gas] causes death'. The record speed registered was 183 kilometers per hour, Latvian Radio reported on August 16.

The second highest number was 171 km/h, and the driver was also heavily intoxicated.

In total, more than 1,500 offenses of speeding have been recorded, excluding Latgale and Rīga, where the results have not yet been compiled.

The police have high expectations for the introduction of average speed cameras in the autumn of this year. Similarly, amendments have been tabled which could address the situation with reckless overtaking. Arturs Smilga, chief executive of the State Police Transport Monitoring and Coordination Office, said: “Then the police could direct their small resources to offenses that immediately threaten traffic safety.”

Average speed cameras could appear on Latvia's roads at the end of the year, as reported earlier by LSM.

Separately, State Police said August 16 that during just the last 24 hours they registered 149 traffic accidents in which, 27 people were injured and one died. 443 tickets were issued, including 223 for speeding, 15 for driving under the influence of alcohol, and 2 for aggressive driving.

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