“This is a historic moment because this is a new position on both public media, which means a significant change in the performance of both establishments. It was important for the Council to hear the LR and LTV management plans on the work to be carried out so that the chief editors are provided with what is needed to fulfill their duties, and to listen to the motivation and priorities of the two candidates,” said Jānis Siksnis, head of the SEPLP.
Under the Public Electronic Media and their Management Act, the public media chief editors shall be elected SEPLP for a period of five years, while candidates for office were nominated by the relevant media board.
Brauna and Roķe were nominated after winning the LR and LTV open contests.
The law stipulates that the editor-in-chief is the person responsible for shaping and enforcing public media editorial policies and is responsible for the editorial decisions of public media. The editor-in-chief's decision-making is independent of the public media board.
The Public Electronic Mass Media Council (SEPLP) is a recently established body that oversees the output of public media [including the LSM web portal you are reading now as well as Latvian Television and Latvian Radio].