Kopā ar Ukrainu

Ukrainas prezidenta Zelenska uzruna otrajā gadadienā kopš pilna Krievijas mēroga iebrukuma Ukrainā

Kopā ar Ukrainu

Saeimas priekšsēdētājas Daigas Mieriņas uzruna mītiņā Ukrainas atbalstam

Ukrainas atbalsta pasākums "Kopā līdz uzvarai!" pie Brīvības pieminekļa

VIDEO: Rally for Ukraine 'Together until Victory!'

On February 24 Rīga will host a rally “Together until victory!” by the Freedom Monument.

Meeting will begin at 12:30. The official program will begin at 13:00.

Several Latvian and Ukrainian officials and social activists will address the participants of the event. There will be candle workshops and donation points.

Participants of the meeting are invited to take Ukrainian and Latvian flags with them, as well as to include Ukrainian flag colors in their clothing, take yellow and blue flowers and candles to be laid at the Freedom Monument and the Embassy of Ukraine.

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