Latvian citizen arrested for glorifying Islamist and Putinist terrorism

On September 25 of this year, the State Security Service (VDD) detained a Latvian citizen on suspicion of public glorification and justification of terrorism, the VDD announced October 4.

A criminal process against the person was started on September 16 of this year in accordance with Article 79.6 of the Criminal Law, which covers terrorism.

As part of the criminal process, on September 25, the VDD conducted searches at the person's residence and removed "several data carriers and notes" for further investigation.

In line with standard legal procedure in Latvia, the suspect was not named and no other details about them were given.

"VDD, while monitoring the information space, found out that a person has published several posts on the 'X' website, which express support for ideology that justifies violence, preached by terrorist organizations. The person glorified the terrorist group Al-Qaeda and the aggressor Russian dictator Vladimir Putin in the recordings," said the VDD in its Latvian language release. 

"The suspect was placed in custody as a security measure. Currently, the VDD continues the investigation and will provide additional information on its progress according to the progress of the criminal process," it added. 

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