Criminal recycler caught in Jēkabpils, Latvia

Take note – story published 2 years ago

On July 12, in Jēkabpils, a man was caught trying to deposit bottles at the packaging deposit-refund system machine. But, instead of some extra cents and a green thinking badge, he could be faced with a hefty punishment. Instead of the original deposit labels, the bottles had homemade stickers on them, State Police said Thursday.

Security guards at a Jēkabpils deposit kiosk had spotted the man on CCTV trying to deposit bottles with white stickers. Upon inspection, they found that the stickers had a printed deposit symbol and barcode. He had prepared 16 bottles, which could have generated a grand profit of EUR 1.60.

The offender was detained and police were called to the scene. When questioned, he said that he had bought 70 stickers for EUR 1.20 from an unknown person on the street. If true, this prompts questions about how that interaction could have gone, presumably involving someone in a trench coat on a shady alleyway.

The man pleaded guilty. He had not been on police radar before, but this offense classifies as petty fraud and could result in a fine, community service, probation watch, or even imprisonment of up to a year. Police investigation continues.

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