President Levits gives thumbs down to ten more pardon requests

Take note – story published 3 years and 3 months ago

Latvian President Egils Levits has studied applicatons for pardons from ten more convicted individuals but rejected them all, according to information from the Presidential Chancellery.

Under the terms of the constitution, the president does have the power to grant pardons to convicted persons. The President of Latvia can replace the uncompleted phase of imprisonment with a different and softer form of punishment, exempt the offender from serving the primary or additional penalty wholly or partially, or expunge the punitive record of the person concerned.

So far, Levits has not been particularly generous with handing out pardons. Figures supplied by the chancellery show that of 211 applications for clemency, he has granted 9, meaning roughly one in every 23 applications has been granted.

Presidential pardons statistics
Presidential pardons statistics

Previous presidents have been both more willing and less willing to grant clemency. Levits' predecessor, Raimonds Vējonis received 697 applications during his single term in office, granting 22 of them so that one in 31 applications was successful.

Andris Bērziņš showed more largesse with around 1 in every 20 applications successful, while Valdis Zatlers was more generous still with 1 in 10 applications getting a positive response from the president.

Vaira Viķe-Freiberga was even more open to applications with more than 1 in 5 getting a thumbs up, but Latvia's first president since the restoration of independence, Guntis Ulmanis, was more restrained, granting one application out of every 15 received.

However, it should be stressed that the historical and social conditions of each presidency vary considerably, as do the number and nature of applications received by each president.


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