Thirty-seven people detained around Daugavpils monument

Take note – story published 1 year and 8 months ago

In Daugavpils, a total of 37 persons were detained at the monument to be dismantled in Slavas Square, the State Police said on October 31.

37 administrative infringement proceedings and one criminal case have been initiated. The dismantling of the monument took place without incident.

The police said that the situation at the monument was considered to be moderately peaceful throughout the day, with flowers and candles being placed at the monument, bringing together dozens of people whose flow during the day was variable. On the other hand, in the evening, when the flowers and candles at the monument were transferred to the graveyard and the fencing of the site was launched, individual groups of individuals expressed their aversion to the demolition of the monument and sought to conflict with the police.

Over the course of the evening, around 200 people gathered behind the enclosed area. They expressed frustration in different ways, including by swearing, yelling, booing and throwing things at police cars, some tried to reach the enclosed area.

In total, 37 persons were detained during the day, most of them in the evening. 37 administrative infringement proceedings have been initiated for these offenses:

  • 15 on non-compliance with the legal requirements of police officers;
  • 13 on being intoxicated in a public place;
  • three for petty hooliganism;
  • three on playing war songs glorifying military aggression and singing them in public;
  • one on the glorifying and warranting expression of military aggression in the Russian language in a public place;
  • one on violation of the rules on unmanned aircraft flight;
  • one about drinking alcohol in a public place.

Criminal proceedings for damaging property have also been initiated.

Further dismantling of the monument took place without incidents.

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