Internal Security Academy established in Latvia

Take note – story published 1 year and 9 months ago

The Ministry of Interior, the State Police College, Riga Stradiņš University (RSU) and the University of Latvia (LU) signed an agreement on the creation of a long-term consortium “Internal Security Academy” on Tuesday, October 25, the Ministry said.

The Ministry said that the establishment of the Internal Security Academy will improve the quality of education for employees of law enforcement authorities, prepare high-level specialists for the needs of home affairs and other rights-protecting institutions, and attract the best pedagogical staff in the implementation of joint educational programs. It is also intended to create a training-relevant, modern infrastructure.

The parties concerned have agreed on common cooperation objectives, a consortium management and work organization model, jointly implemented study programs and resource-sharing facilities. Internal Affairs Minister Kristaps Eklons, RSU Rector Aigars Pētersos, LU Rector Indriķis Muižnieks and Principal of State Police College Dmitrijs Homenko signed the Treaty establishing the Internal Security Academy.

"The signing of the treaty will allow intensive work to be undertaken on the establishment of study programs so that training can be started in the autumn of next year," the Minister for the Interior said.

"Cooperation is the key word when we talk about preparing high-level specialists for law enforcement purposes. The RSU will make a significant contribution not only to the development of joint study programs but also to the development of research activities within the Internal Security Academy,” said the rector of RSU.

The development plans of the Internal Security Academy provide a perspective for the construction of a new training and study building on Ezermalas Street 8a and 10 building complex and its sharing capacity study programs.

The Cabinet supported the creation of a consortium called the Internal Security Academy between the Ministry of Interior, the State Police College, RSU and LU on February 7, 2022.

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