Volunteers wanted to search for seven-year-old missing for three weeks

Take note – story published 1 year and 2 months ago

On Saturday, May 27, the Bezvests.lv Society which organizes search efforts in missing person cases, in cooperation with the State Police, will carry out a search campaign for the missing seven-year-old Justīne Reinikova. Volunteers are needed, the representatives of the association said.

Seven-year-old Justīne Reinikova went missing from the Rēzekne municipality, Nautrēnu parish, Rogovka village on May 5 evening. Search efforts have been ongoing since the evening she disappeared, but they have been unsuccessful so far.

Now, a mass grid search will be organized on May 27. There is a need for 1,500 responsible and motivated people who would be willing to dedicate their time and energy to try to find the girl in the region where she might be located – in or around the village of Rogovka.

“The areas are large, there is a need to re-search the sites that have already been crawled, and to cover new areas,” said the association Bezvests.lv.

Volunteers are expected to take serious action and comply with the instructions given by the organizers. For the first time, a mandatory requirement to participate in searches is the “Bezvests” app installed on one's phone, as well as unlimited Internet access. This app draws a map of the areas volunteers have covered. Through this app, the headquarters will be able to coordinate volunteer activities.

“An app with very high precision will mark places that have already been looked at. Before participating in the mission, volunteer seekers should be carefully acquainted with the conditions for participation, please read the instructions very seriously and take into account the information referred to therein,” said Aleksandrs Faminskis, founder and chief executive of Bezvests.lv. “This time we need a lot of people. Most importantly, a responsible attitude, a desire to help, and apps and mobile Internet on the phone."

Faminskis said that this will be the most massive search operation in the 14-year history of Bezvests.lv's existence.

The start of the search mission is May 27 at 10:00 in the morning in Rogovka village, Nautrēnu parish, Rēzekne municipality.

Before the operation starts, all volunteers must register at headquarters, receive an identification number and join an instructor-led group, the association said.

In order to avoid endangering the volunteers themselves, the mission will not involve persons under 18 years of age or people whose health state is not suitable for such tasks.

On Friday, May 5, Justīne left her residence at about 19:00, in Rēzekne municipality, Nautrēnu parish, Rogovka village, and has not returned. Her height is 124 centimeters. Justīne has blond shoulder-length hair. She has health problems and speaks unclearly. She wore a short pink windbreaker, a white sweater, black jeans, and black fabric shoes.

State police ask that anyone who knows her possible location should call 67006734 or 110.

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