500 pleas for help received by High Five! charity marathon

Take note – story published 1 year and 7 months ago

Five hundred pleas for help have been requested by the charity organization within the donation drive High Five! which channeled its income toward Ukrainian children, Ziedot.lv's head Rūta Dimanta told Latvian Radio December 23.

As reported, this year's High Five! raised a record sum of money at over 800,000 euros.

The Latvian society, with its great support for the children of the Ukraine war, has shown its humanity and sensitivity, Dimanta told Latvian Radio.

She said that the great support for Ukrainian children in the charity marathon High Five! also shows that people and businesses in Latvia are very sincere and welcoming. What is happening in Ukraine and with its people hurts everyone. “This is the reason we have been generous in donating such a substantial amount,” Dimanta said, pointing out that children usually suffer the most in war.

Those who haven't managed to donate to the Ukrainian children can do it by January 6, 2023 on Ziedot.lv. “There will never be too much support,” said the head of Ziedot.lv, stating that it is not yet possible to say whether the amount donated will be enough to satisfy all 500 applications because each case will be viewed individually.

“My sincere thanks. We have shown sincerity and sensitivity,” said Dimanta, stressing that although the amount donated is a record in the history of High Five!, it should also be noted that Ukraine and its people are currently experiencing the biggest tragedy in Europe in the last 70 years.

As reported earlier by LSM, Ziedot.lv has also got a record sum of donations this year.

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