Contest decides greatest pumpkins of Latvia

Take note – story published 6 years and 8 months ago

On October 26 the Greatest Latvian Pumpkin Championship took place at the Riga Zoo, with a 161.5 kilo pumpkin becoming the winner. 

26.oktobrī Rīgas Zooloģiskajā dārzā jau divpadsmito gadu pēc kārtas norisinājās „Maxima Latvija” rīkotais „Latvijas lielākā ķirbja čempionāts”, kurā no desmit raženākajām dārza ogām uzvarētāja titulu izdevās izcīnīt Gundegas Neimanes audzētajam 161,5 kg smagajam ķirbim no Kurmāles pagasta Kuldīgas novadā.

The winning pumpkin was grown by Gundega Neimane from the Kurmāle parish in Kuldīga.

While the Badovskis family of astute pumpkin growers took second and third place. Gatis Badovskis came in second with a 160.5 kg veggie and Daina Badovska with a monstrous 157.5 kg unit.

The owners of the great pumpkins were awarded Maxima gift certificates. Strongmen Agris Kazeļņiks and Aivars Šmaukstelis, under the lead of Armands Simsons.

The great pumpkins were subsequently fed to the animals at the Riga Zoo, with the coati enjoying the pumpkins as an afternoon snack. 

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