Kultūras ziņas

Ilonas Brūveres grāmata "Citādā dzīve"

Kultūras ziņas

Kultūras ziņas

Latvija saņem Eiropas Savienības Sabiedriskās zinātnes balvas atzinību

Latvian citizen science platform gets EU recognition

The digital platform of the Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art of the University of Latvia "Iesaisties.lv." has been recognized by the organizers of the European Union Prize for Citizen Science.

The platform helps the public to get involved in learning and researching cultural heritage in a contemporary way.

The platform, which was created under the supervision of Sanita Reinsone, a senior researcher at the Institute of Literature, Folklore, and Art at the University of Latvia, is aimed at people who are interested in the cultural heritage of the people and their roots.

The platform provides opportunities for users to engage with different initiatives according to their interests and preferences, filtering by topics and types of participation.

"Whether one is interested in folklore, literature, music or any other field, [there are] materials they are interested in, comment on manuscripts, maybe life stories or diaries, maybe maps," said Ieva Vīvere, researcher at the Latvian Folklore Repository.

This year, almost 300 projects from 49 countries were submitted for the prize, which is being awarded for only the second time. Latvia's digital platform "Iesaisties.lv" has been recognized as one of the 30 best projects in social science.

"It could attract the interest of the public, that it could attract them and get them interested in working with us. Probably also more opportunities to collaborate scientifically internationally. Attract funding," says Ieva Vīvere. 

Over the last ten years, several thousand people have been involved in citizen science initiatives.

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